Monday, June 3, 2019

How we Walk with the Broken

I love this! And I'm gonna cling to it because here's what happened...

My kids had to go for shots this week. Here's the words of wisdom I have for you. Don't assume your child who is able to self care has been self caring without direct orders. We get in the office and I've already accepted that the 5yo has done her own hair. She was very proud of her ponytail and 3 non matching barrettes. Great! Now I notice this other kid needs a shower. I am seriously eyeing the sink and soap available and wondering if I can wash her hair before the doctor comes in. And the thing about how she can't hear that I've been blowing off as go blow your nose it's just allergies, nope that's a Shrek sized piece of ear wax. That on top of telling them we homeschool, and don't always brush twice a day, and drink too many cokes. (Thank God at least no one brought up that the only reason we're such good milk drinkers is because it's all CHOCOLATE!!!) Gee whiz friends! Can someone make me a chart!! You'd think after the 1,000 kids I've had, I'd have it all together. Nope! They take the wee one out for a hearing test which I'm sure is code for asking her questions to see if she is safe in my care and I watched over my shoulder all the way to the car and drove out of there like I stole something. Okay not quite but I felt like such a failure. I wanted to hire a new mom for these humans.

So I'm just gonna call these doctory people the great and my tiny humans the broken. I may not remember to remind them all of the things. I may not feed them chicken and water for every meal but dangit I love them a lot! We rushed out of the house hours before shots because we always go pick out a toy after shots and we weren't going to have time after so we had to go before. This literally started with Ashley's first baby shots because she cried and I thought somehow she in all of her 2 months of wisdom would understand that it wasn't me and I loved her and all the world would be right again if I bought her a toy.

Anyways, I miss stuff that probably makes people (including myself) question my parenting abilities but I walk with the tiny humans every single day and love them in the best way I know how and that counts for something!

If this made you 🤦, congratulations, you're a better mama than me. If this made you 😂 because you've been there too, hey jump in my boat and we will just row, row, row together and between all of us, surely one of us will notice if a tiny human goes overboard!

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