Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Encouraging Words

This was something I read yesterday as part of a Bible Study on the YouVersion app and I just really love it. I love the phrase "we show love to show God." and the part about making awkward eye contact to see the hurt in other people's eyes. It's so simple to make a difference in someone's life but so much easier to stay in our comfort zones. Try to find someone today and this weekend and offer a smile or an encouraging words, invite them to church or for coffee. Take the chance to forget your own hurts by healing someone else's.

Threads of People (Part 2)

It is our turn to be Jesus to this world. We exist for God and for those who need God. Within the church, we use our gifts to build up and equip the body. Outside of the church, we show love to show God.

Next time you are in a public space, be awkward and look in people’s eyes. People, nearly every one of them, are hurting, even if they don’t say it. And we hold armfuls of their cure. We get God, and we get to give God away; it is for our joy. I am never more content than when I am meeting need. "I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."
 Luke 5:32

In the movie Amazing Grace, William Pitt’s character races barefoot through a field with William Wilberforce and says to him “Why is it you only feel the thorns in your feet when you stop running?” When we run for God and for people, we forget for just a moment about ourselves, and it feels amazing. Nothing makes a soul sicker than too much time given to itself.

So who needs God around you?

Pursue them.
Ask them great questions.
Share your struggles and your God.
Dream of ways you can meet their needs.

There will be people you know who need you. But also seek out relationships with people outside your circles. Some of my favorite moments in my life have happened as I have stepped out of my comfort zone. Like taking some women from a local halfway house out to bowl with some of my friends. I remember sitting in a bowling alley with a woman just out of prison who exuded more joy than I remember ever feeling in my life. Her joy and perspective changed me-and I needed to be changed. God’s economy makes beautiful exchanges: as we give, we grow.

Seek the uncomfortable. Life is short, and it is worth the risk. You do not risk like a fool; you are wisely investing in the only two things that will not die: God and people. No better reason to make piddling a thing of the past.


Prayerfully create a list of five names of people who need you. How can you begin to invest more in these people?

What are some practical ways you can keep all your time from going to casual friendships?

Adapted from Restless Bible Study Guide by Jennie Allen

Water your own grass

Today I want to brag on my favorite person. This morning I had to get up and out of the house early and this was waiting for me in the kitchen! He is so good at loving me. Snacks and attention is he's theory about what girls like and I think he may be on to something. ❤️

 If I'm honest of the 8,502 days we've lived together, there's been a few I wouldn't have called him my favorite person. But it wasn't as much his fault as mine.

Marriage is hard work every day. And for a long time I was doing the work wrong. It's not about how I can change him to fit my needs. All I control is how I can change myself to better serve him.

What is your spouses love language? How can you feed that? What things could you take off their shoulders to make their day easier? The thing that drives you nuts about them, what fear, insecurities or childhood coping mechanism could that come from and how can you love them through it? What lies does the devil tell you about them and what truth can you proclaim instead?

The truth is you are a wonderful wife and he is a wonderful  husband!

Try making a list of all the good things. It's so easy to get so focused on the faults that we miss all the good stuff. Make a game with a friend about who's husband is better and text each other all the sweet things he does so you will learn to look for those things!

How many awesome days have you wasted being mad or feeling sorry for yourself? Are you gonna keep waiting on him to change while living a deafeated life or are you gonna look for that plank in your own eye and fix what you control? You're choice. He's the love of your life and he's worth it!!! Water your own grass!

Changing stereotypes

What if...

What if you stopped believing the stereotype?
This is one of the biggest things I've decided to change my mind on that has had, is having, an enormous impact on my marriage.

This is a taboo subject, but for at least a few minutes let's pretend we are lifelong besties so I can give this to you! On my journey to taking control of my life instead of just letting it happen to me, I had work to do in EVERY area. When it came to marriage, one topic seemed to keep coming up in books, preaching and podcasts as well as just in my mind. Sex.

There's a lot of good sound biblical discussion on this. There's a whole book in the Bible celebrating marital sex! There's a lot of good scientific and psychological discussion.
Over and over, for months, I kept hearing overwhelmingly the differences between men and women when it comes to this. Men always want sex. They think about it more. They can be ready to go in a second. For women we need to be wooed throughout the day. We have a hard time shutting off our multitasking minds and leaving the day behind as we travel to the bedroom.  And there's some real truth and some important stuff to know. I'll leave links to some of the things I've enjoyed.

But, what if I choose not to believe my stereotype anymore? What if tonight, (and every night from here forward), I know my husband is ready and willing  and I meet him there. I don't wait for him to approach me and get caught off guard, too busy, with a headache. How will that change my marriage?

This isn't about doing something just to please your husband! (Although I assure you he is going to think he has died and gone to heaven!) This is for you! Think about the best sex you've had with your husband. Why can't you have that tonight? Tomorrow night? The next? You don't have to be on a romantic vacation. The kids don't have to be all gone for a sleepover! You have a bedroom with a lock on the door? Bathroom? Closet? Car?  Whatever! Spend your day thinking about all the wonderful things you love about your husband. Think about how good it has been. Has it never been good? You can change that too! Plan something new for how good it can be in the future! You are in control.
Don't give excuses about how he's this or that or you're this or that! YOU CONTROL YOUR LIFE! Every part of it.

Are you tired of being too tired? Adjust your day so you won't be.

Tired of always having a headache? Take some ibuprofen. Drink more water.

Tired of fighting about not being in the mood and then he feels rejected? Get in the mood!

Tired of feeling self conscious about your body? News flash! He LOVES it! He's not looking at the spare tire or the stretch marks. He doesn't notice the new wrinkle or mole. Want a lingerie ready body? Put some lingerie on it! 

Every day! Every day be ready for what the evening could be like. What if EVERY night was a vacation in a Hawaiian bungalow? Why cheat yourself out of that?

The Bible says in Matthew 22:30 "At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven." What I get out of that is you better get all the sex in down here because once you get there it's too late!

Don't cheat yourself out of this gift! For a million reasons but here's 2.

1.) Sex is fun for BOTH of you.  Get rid of the mindset that it's a chore or he's gonna get more out of it. Who has control over that? YOU! You can make the change. You can love it every time! You can feel sexy in the skin you're in! You can give YOURSELF kidfree, beach side sex in your bedroom every night! Your mood will be better. Your skin will be better. And your marriage will be better!

2.) Fixing this one part of your marriage, sharing this much intimacy with your husband WILL overflow into other parts of your marriage! Now that you are so physically intimate, you will find yourselves wanting to be intimate in mind and spirit too. Remember those first days when you were so in love and wanted to be together every minute? What one fundamental thing changed? I'm gonna guess it's the amount of sex you have. Life happens. You get tired. You start believing lies! Remember YOU are a wonderful wife AND you have a wonderful husband!

After the mindset is changed, after you've made it your new normal, after you're husband gets over the fear that you're going to revert back to your old headache ridden self, you can skip a night or two, if you want to. 😉

Think of all the things your husband is and does that make you smile no matter how deep you have to reach
Send him sexy texts
Shop online for some new lingerie
Think of new places, positions, outfits, candles, baths whatever to keep it fresh and exciting.
Remember he thinks you are beautiful just the way you are!! (This was my biggest hangup that held me back. Game changer for me!)

 I promise if you will change this mindset, your marriage will completely transform! (rise together podcast 38) (rise together podcast 32) (Love Worth Finding podcast celebrate the difference)

Thursday, May 9, 2019


A couple of weeks ago I attended the Hearts on Fire women's conference at Unity Covenant church. My favorite moment was when Sharon Bowerman shared her teapot story. She is such a beautiful woman and this is such a beautiful story.

The first few seconds are missing where she begins that she was a little brown teapot sitting on a shelf. In case you can't listen to the video where you are right now she continues to tell of how the Master came into the room and takes her to the Potter's wheel where she became dizzy and uncomfortable and she begged Him to stop which eventually He did and then returned her to her shelf only to do it all again later. Then one day He picked her up and took her to a new room where she became extremely hot to the point of death and again begged Him to stop. Eventually He did and returned her to the shelf only to come back another day and put her through the same process. Finally one day the Master comes in to get her and takes her in to a room to be used for His service and she realizes how beautiful she's been made by all the trials.

This is such a beautiful picture of our lives in Christ. I have seen my fair share of struggle and no doubt there will be more but lately I've had something new inside of me that is exciting but I just haven't been able to figure out.

When I heard this story I just felt like I was in the place where I had been carried into the room to be used for the Masters service. I've been moulded, my cracks have been patched, I've been through the fire and come out in a vessel that is ready for service.

Where are you at? Are you dizzy and overwhelmed? Is the fire too hot and you just have nothing left to give? Or have you come out on the other side of the fire stronger and ready to help the other teapots?

No doubt the cycle could go in any number of ways. But also it's important to recognize that it's all temporary. Life comes in phases. Don't be discouraged in the bad times. They won't last forever. And don't rush the process on the shelf. You're gonna need to rest up for your next battle. Don't feel like you're not where you're supposed to be. Just trust that the Master will pick you up and place you in the room you are meant for at the right time. Do the work where you're at. It's all good and necessary. Trust Him.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

You are not a trash can!

"...when they have really learned to love their neighbors as themselves, they will be allowed to love themselves as their neighbors." ~C.S. Lewis Screwtape Letters

How much time do you spend taking care of other people? How much time do you spend taking care of you? 

Here's my favorite things. I don't always get it done every day without fail but I feel better every day I succeed so I keep getting back on the horse. Don't quit because you had a bad week or even a bad year. If not today, when?

1.) Drink half your body weight in water every day!

2.) Move! Walk, run, go to the gym, do a YouTube workout, get a DVD, lift weights, dance, swim. My favorite is Erin OBrien's Strong Body Fit Body and I feel super proud if I get it done 5 days a week but don't hate myself if I get in 3.

3.) Stop eating the processed food! Stop drinking the diet soda! You are beautiful! You are worth it! You ARE NOT a trash can!!! If that sounds hard just start there. You can still have mac and cheese but buy the pasta and the cheese not the box with the powder. You can have mashed potatoes but boil them and mash them yourself. If you're already that far, try cutting something else. Maybe starchy foods, maybe dairy, or gluten. What makes sense to you? What food usually makes you tired, bloated, get a headache? Stop that one. Why treat yourself like that? You live in America. You can eat anything you want. Make it count for your health! Can't afford to eat healthy? Go to Aldi's.

4.) Stop naming sicknesses that no doctor can find! I can say that because I've struggled with it. It's a great excuse to do nothing or to feel sorry for yourself. But is that the way you want to live? Isn't life hard enough already? Not feeling great? Might I point out #'s 1, 2, & 3? What if you took charge of your health instead of letting your health happen to you?

The most enjoyable, encouraging person I can think of that could help you on this path is Dawn Mabry. You can just follow her on social for daily smiles and encouragement or send her a message to get some personalized coaching. I'm not sure exactly what that entails because she is the least pushy and least  annoying sales lady on the internet but I bet she'd be glad to tell you. *Also she doesn't necessarily agree with anything I've said above. I just decided to throw her name in because she inspires me!


Speaking the truth as though it has already come to pass. This has helped me so much to achieve new goals. Specifically in my ongoing journey to control my tounge and stop being snippy with my kids. I found an old note the other day from 2004 where I was struggling with this. For at least 15 years of my life I've hated this about myself. When I was first trying to do this (this time), I explored several routes starting with reading parenting advice and writing down some good ideas and new habits but for me this is what has really made the difference.

We've all read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

But, what if I write this down every morning?

I am patient.
I am kind.
I am not jealous.
I don't brag.
I'm not proud.
I do not dishonor others.
I am not selfish.
I keep no record of wrongs.
I do not delight in evil.
I rejoice in the truth.
I always protect.
I always trust.
I always hope.
I always persevere.

It hits home. I start believing it. And I start living it. Not perfectly but you've got to start somewhere and small victories are still victories.

What can you start believing today?


We can't always change our situation but we can always change our perspectives.

There's this kids book called The Pout Pout Fish. In it the pout pout fish swims around with his lips puckered out and is approached by his friends one by one who encourage him to be happy. He continues to tell them he can't help it because he's a pout pout fish, it's just who he is. But at the end a girl fish swims up and gives him a smooch on his pouty lips and he decides he never was a pout pout fish but instead he's a kiss kiss fish!

Man, how one split second can open our eyes! I have a moment I think about often where I was just destitute, or so I thought. I sat down at the kitchen table just broken. But then I started to list things I was thankful for. It started pretty bleak. Not even I'm alive but just I'm not dead. But that tends to snowball pretty quickly and after 5 or 10 minutes, I was on top of the mountain. Nothing at all had changed except my perspective.

We have got to take those people and situations  that we have no control over and change the way we think about them. We can't change them but we can change ourselves!

What will you change your perspective on today and how will that change your life?


The YouVersion Bible app. It's handy to have a Bible at your finger tips all the time. It's also nice to have thousands of Bible studies. But my favorite thing is that you can start a Bible study and INVITE PEOPLE TO DO IT WITH YOU! Thank you Cara Gullege for introducing me to this!

In 2019, we are so busy. We have so many distractions. This little tool, available all day every day at your finger tips, allows you to have those ladies Bible studies, Bible studies with your friends, with your spouse, with your children, someone you know that just got saved.

The beauty of it is you can do it on your own time. Everyone doesn't have to show up at 6:30 on Tuesday. You can read the devotion and scripture whenever fits your schedule and then at the end there's a place to comment.

The comments are great because

1.) It makes you really think about what you just read to come up with something to say and

2.) You really get to know and grow with your friends, family, strangers from the WalMart checkout line, whoever you want to invite. It's like social media for growing in your faith and it's one of my favorite new things!

Well read

So today I wanna give you this favorite thing. Reading. I know. I hear the groans. I have spent too many days being "too busy" to read. Now I try to keep 2 books going, usually one in the living room and one by the bed, one to nourish my mind and one to nourish my spirit.

One obvious choice for your spirit is the Bible. I highly recommend at least 5 minutes in your Bible every day because that's how God speaks to you. 4 pages a day would get you through the whole Bible in about a year. There are also a lot of great books and devotionals that help you dive in spiritual stuff. Max Lucado is one of my old favorites. Jennie Allen is a new good one. Joyce Meyer is not one of my faves but I know a lot of people love her!

To nourish the mind, personally I like to feed my old soul. Right now I'm reading Girl Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis and Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis (mind blowing really!) Some of my recent reads have been Becoming Mrs.Lewis by Patti Callahan which really set me on a Lewis binge, Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis and Flapdoodle Trust and Obey by Virginia Cary Hudson (such a cute book filled with letters from a mother to her adult daughter). But maybe you pick up a book about business or, oceanography, or learn a new language or just always mix it up.

The point is just to find something that interests you and feed your spirit and mind. Along the way you will find new ideas, revelations, dreams, conversation starters, gain confidence from your new increase of knowledge or just realize there's some really amazing people that have gone before us.

What are you reading?

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Use YOUR gifts!

Yesterday my Bible study talked about recognizing and using your spiritual gifts. 🤔🤷 Then it suggested to think of what some people in your life said about you when you were younger. That seemed weird to me because I'm not at all my youthful self anymore. But, I thought of two women (friends mother's) who I knew at different times in my life but they both called me little Suzy homemaker.

I've never felt like I was doing much of anything. But what if being a stay at home mom and a wife IS my thing? Jeff and I both come from divorced homes and have histories of alcohol and drug abuse in our families with little Jesus to be found. What if instead of being a branch on that family tree, we needed to plant a new tree? What if I could just find my purpose and rest in this seemingly simple job instead of reaching for something that isn't my calling.

That all brought me back to something I remember God telling me 20+ years ago that He was calling me out of that to start a new legacy for my family. I'm not sure how I got lost along the way and started looking for something grander but we've all seen the memes that say "your greatest accomplishment may not be something you do but someone you raise." How about more than that those kids will have kids and then they will have kids and how are their lives impacted because of the simple fact that Jeff and Sara Freitag decided to created a stable home founded on Jesus. My name will likely never be in lights but as long as I'm rooted in Jesus there's no end to the lights I can leave behind.

Today, my favorite thing, my spiritual gift, my passion is my family, being a stay at home mama and starting a new legacy for them with my fantastic husband and my Savior!

What is yours? What simple thing do you do every day that is making a bigger difference than you have given yourself credit for? You don't have to run a million dollar company, cure a disease, be a gold medal Olympian, or a movie star to make a big impact in your world. Just love Jesus and be YOU!

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms."
1 Peter 4:10

My Favorite Encourager

Speaking of goals! Maybe you already picked yours out and have a plan in place to start working towards it. AWESOME!!!  If not, I'd like to introduce you today to my current favorite encourager #rachelhollis.
Y'all have probably heard of her but if not let me just tell you what I love. I started out reading Girl Wash Your Face at the suggestion of two different friends having no prior knowledge of who she was. There was so much encouragement and truth in that book and she just bares her soul as a friend to try to help a girl out.
While the book was great I didn't immediately become a groupie but I did start following her on Instagram and discovered her #Starttodaymorningshow which is so entertaining.
From that,  I found her #Rise podcast and her #Risetogether marriage podcast. (Bonus points if you can get your husband to listen to this one with you and discuss the things that come up!) If you don't already have a podcast app on your phone get one today and subscribe to these two!
For today's purpose I'd like to point you to episode 72 on the Rise podcast. She talks about journaling but more than that about breaking down your 10 year lofty dreams into one tangible goal that you can start working on TODAY!
The problem she mentions that has always plagued me is that I try to do all the goals at once and I fail. It may go well for a week or two but then life happens. But one goal!? You can do one goal! I can do one goal! I highly encourage finding some time to listen in and sit down with a notebook and start scribbling ALL your dreams down no matter if they are even tangible. Then go back and underline the 10 that really light your heart on fire and finally pick one dream and put legs on it. Keep working on the same one goal until it's a habit, then move on. Where could you be in 10 years if you would wake up every morning and write out this list of ten things.
The real secret is to write all ten things as if they were already true. Such as "I live in Paris." "I've memorized the book of Proverbs." I am a doctor." My current one for my goal is "I only speak things that uplift and encourage." This has plagued me for years! So much negative talk. Self talk, gossip, snapping at the kids in frustration. It's been what I've hated most about myself and I've never been able to break it. If you see me out and hear me slipping feel free to set me straight! 😉
Also, I'd love to see your lists or share mine with you or help you in the process if you're having a hard time knowing where to start!
#mrsrachelhollis #thehollisco #thechicsite #girlwashyourface #girlstopapologizing


So, after realizing the lies, my favorite thing is getting rid of the old excuses that came with those lies and replacing them with solutions!!! Solutions instead of excuses. That's my new little mantra.

 This sounds hard but it is so fun! This is you taking control of your life! This is where the old Philippians 4:13 comes in. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! See He gives us the strength but what do we use it for? Do we use it to think up some really great logical reasons why we can't be healthy, why we can't be a good friend, why we can't be effective witnesses, why we really deserve to just rest it up on the couch today?

Y'all I am the queen of excuses. I am so good! But when I started taking that same strength and putting it towards solutions in my life it made all the difference! No one cares about the things I do like I do! No one is going to make them happen if I don't make them happen.

For example, I want to be strong but I don't want to exercise. That's just not realistic. So how can I talk myself into that exercising. Starting out I would just accept a walk to the mailbox as improvement. You've gotta start somewhere. But when I got more serious about it on my really lazy days I'll put on a motivational video from YouTube to pump myself up before I even get off the couch. Also, I always play a podcast or preaching while I exercise so I relate the two together. I like this combo because I feel like I'm exercising my body and spirit or mind at the same time. Since it's only the end result of the exercise I enjoy, putting on something I enjoy helps me get through or even enjoy the work.

Just pick out one goal you have for yourself. What excuses are keeping you from that goal? What solution can you find to get past them? You don't have to stay where you are! There's more for you!


Replacing the devil's lies with God's truth
Passive Christians (not voting, praying acting, being selfish keeping our faith to ourselves. Being an introvert?)
I am a good wife you are a good husband
Fear that keeps you from being effective
Feeling bad about yourself that keeps you from being effective
Speak the truth as though it were already true
Using scripture. I am patient. I am kind.

This is one of new favorite things that I just can't believe took me so long to figure out! Y'all the devil is so sneaky and he is such a liar! I spent so long not being an effective tool for God because I didn't think I was good enough. I didn't think I had anything to offer. I thought I was a bad wife. I thought I was a bad mother. I wasn't doing my best to be healthy. Ugh. I believed all the lies! This literally makes me sick to my stomach to think about. He wants me to believe all this and more because it cripples me.

This first started to break for me when I heard God ask me one night, as I was lying in bed stressing out about what another person thought of me, "But did you please me?" Well yeah I didn't do anything scripturally wrong. 🤷 So then I started just asking myself that every night when I laid down. Instead of playing the usual reel of how many stupid things did I say and do today, I started saying,"Did I do my best? Did I please God?" Life changing!

Then at random when Jeff and I were out of town together and kind of agrivating each other I just turned to him and said the truth is I am a wonderful wife and you are a wonderful husband. Neither of us are perfect but the underlying truth is I have a fantastic husband AND my husband has a fantastic wife!! To kick this off we made a little game out of who could say you're such a wonderful wife or you're such a wonderful husband for the rest that day. Game changer!

Since then my eyes have just been opened to all of these lies and how they were holding me back. And I just get SO mad! The devil has no authority that you don't give him. None! I will not live defeated, feeling sorry for myself, or give up on my dreams because of fear and self doubt! And I have a lot of lost time to make up for!!! What lies are you believing?

Fruits of the Spirit

Today I'm gonna give you this favorite thing. A scripture.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Galatians 5:22‭-‬23

Some of you might remember a post I made about 8 months ago about a little, insignificant, non-chalant prayer for joy.  It came from having this scripture on my dashboard. I was so amazed at how powerfully God answered that prayer just 6 weeks in. You know that Taylor Swift song where she's asking God to play it again, that was me. I just wanted more of that same thing. 8 months later, it HAS. NOT. STOPPED!

Anyone out there read Strega Nona where Big Anthony decides to make pasta in Strega Nona's pasta pot but he misses part of the spell and the pasta just keeps coming? Like that!!! I am in such awe. That prayer that came from a scripture on my dashboard on a whim has changed my life. Or I should say God has changed my life through that prayer.

I could write a book on all the small and big things that God has done here. But y'all have other things to get to, so back to Strega Nona, I've ridden all that pasta down the hill into the village and instead of "play it again" I just want to know what's new today!? I want more!  I just want to run around and give every person this!!! If I could wrap it up and hand it out I would spend the rest of my days making deliveries!

I don't know if a prayer for Joy looks like this for everyone. Maybe you need love or patience. But, these fruits of the spirit are the things that we are supposed to have if we're in Jesus. And it says against such things there is no law. So I'm just gonna believe that 1. Y'all all got right with Jesus Friday if you weren't already or you're gonna go on and hop on board now and 2. Since you are His child, He is just waiting for you to throw one of these at Him so he can open up heaven and rain down the apples, or bananas, or love, or patience, or self-control whatever you want to try first. Brace yourself! You're gonna need a BIG basket!!!


I just feel like I'm gonna bust you guys! And usually when I feel that way, I have something I really want to tell you. But today I just have so much JOY and I want to tell you ALL THE THINGS!!! But really who signed up to read a post that long so if it's okay with y'all I'm gonna start a little "My Favorite Things" series of posts and hopefully there will be something in one post that will give you some or all of what I'm feeling because I love you and I just want to share it. I'll commit to Monday through Friday until I get if off my chest. So here goes...

My #1 all-time favorite thing ever is the salvation I have in Jesus. Without that I have no hope to even get up in the morning. Life is hard every single day for every single person! We are all fighting the battle! But with Jesus, every day I get up is a day I have a purpose. Start here. Start today with just giving your life to Jesus. All the things. Just gather them up like a bundle of laundry and give them to Him to put in His washing machine and just see how the things change when you get them back. See how they shine with hope and love. Without that, I've got nothing for you. Hands down the most life changing tool I can offer you is Jesus.

Your mind is a Powerful Thing

Your mind is a powerful thing! Just as easily as you can think all the negative things you do in a day, you have the power to replace every ...