Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Water your own grass

Today I want to brag on my favorite person. This morning I had to get up and out of the house early and this was waiting for me in the kitchen! He is so good at loving me. Snacks and attention is he's theory about what girls like and I think he may be on to something. ❤️

 If I'm honest of the 8,502 days we've lived together, there's been a few I wouldn't have called him my favorite person. But it wasn't as much his fault as mine.

Marriage is hard work every day. And for a long time I was doing the work wrong. It's not about how I can change him to fit my needs. All I control is how I can change myself to better serve him.

What is your spouses love language? How can you feed that? What things could you take off their shoulders to make their day easier? The thing that drives you nuts about them, what fear, insecurities or childhood coping mechanism could that come from and how can you love them through it? What lies does the devil tell you about them and what truth can you proclaim instead?

The truth is you are a wonderful wife and he is a wonderful  husband!

Try making a list of all the good things. It's so easy to get so focused on the faults that we miss all the good stuff. Make a game with a friend about who's husband is better and text each other all the sweet things he does so you will learn to look for those things!

How many awesome days have you wasted being mad or feeling sorry for yourself? Are you gonna keep waiting on him to change while living a deafeated life or are you gonna look for that plank in your own eye and fix what you control? You're choice. He's the love of your life and he's worth it!!! Water your own grass!

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