Monday, June 3, 2019

Your mind is a Powerful Thing

Your mind is a powerful thing! Just as easily as you can think all the negative things you do in a day, you have the power to replace every one of them with something positive!

Stuck in a dead end job but you're not smart enough to do better?
You're marriage is not really what you want it to be but you'll make it to death at least so that's pretty good?
You have a lot of health problems although the doctors can't really find anything wrong?
You're always broke because you don't make enough money?

It's true only if you believe it!

Try this! This job isn't getting me anywhere and I want more out of my life. What can I do today to set myself up for what I really want to be doing?

I can't change my husband but by gollies I can be a better wife! How can I make his life a little better today?

No one has found anything wrong with me so Praise God I'm a healthy human! What can I do today to be the healthiest version of me!?

Maybe I could start telling my money where to go instead of letting it just go. I'll go check out a Dave Ramsey book at the library and learn about budgeting and the envelope system.

All you've got to do to change your life is change your mind! And if you really want to, you can change your mind about ANYTHING!

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Your mind is a Powerful Thing

Your mind is a powerful thing! Just as easily as you can think all the negative things you do in a day, you have the power to replace every ...