Monday, June 3, 2019

Your mind is a Powerful Thing

Your mind is a powerful thing! Just as easily as you can think all the negative things you do in a day, you have the power to replace every one of them with something positive!

Stuck in a dead end job but you're not smart enough to do better?
You're marriage is not really what you want it to be but you'll make it to death at least so that's pretty good?
You have a lot of health problems although the doctors can't really find anything wrong?
You're always broke because you don't make enough money?

It's true only if you believe it!

Try this! This job isn't getting me anywhere and I want more out of my life. What can I do today to set myself up for what I really want to be doing?

I can't change my husband but by gollies I can be a better wife! How can I make his life a little better today?

No one has found anything wrong with me so Praise God I'm a healthy human! What can I do today to be the healthiest version of me!?

Maybe I could start telling my money where to go instead of letting it just go. I'll go check out a Dave Ramsey book at the library and learn about budgeting and the envelope system.

All you've got to do to change your life is change your mind! And if you really want to, you can change your mind about ANYTHING!

You Don't Win a War in One Giant Blast

"You don’t win a war in one giant blast. You have a small battle, win or lose, keep going, prepare for the next, get better at it, and try again, until you look back upon more victories than losses and realize how far you have come." ~Lisa Pennington Mommy Needs a Do Over

There's so much rest for me in that! I don't have to give up when I fail! I rest up, regroup, make a new plan and go again. That's applicable in every area of my life.

You're never a failure if you're still fighting the war! It's not over yet! Get back in there!

Stay Alert!

"Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your family of believers all over the world is going through the same kind of suffering you are. In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation. All power to him forever! Amen."
1 Peter 5:8‭-‬11 NLT

I think there's a lot to take in right here.

1.) I think it is so important to realize that it is the devil we war against. Not people or feelings or addictions. He knows our human weaknesses and will use them in the most subtle ways to keep us from being whole in ourselves and therefore unable to be effective for others. We must "stand firm and be strong in our faith."

2.)It is important to remember that we aren't the only ones going through trials.

I am personally bad at being so self concerned that I forget to think about the trials of others and pray or help them. I saw yesterday where New Life Church had put out a list of how we could be praying for the flood victims around us. Never occurred to me.

On the flip side there is hope in knowing we are all in this together and in knowing that others have come out the other side of the fire we are walking through!

3.)"So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation."
We go through seasons but none of them last forever. It's a lot easier to see this as you get older and have experienced more seasons. In hindsight some of the times I thought were the darkest or was even convinced were the end were so short and I feel so duped to have lost that time believing the devil's lies.

Worst Case Scenario

Did you know that you imagine the worst case scenario because it gives you the best chance of survival? You guys! I am going to survive forever! I have ninja level worst case scenario skills!

Did you also know if we stay in the anxiety of the past that causes us to dream up these scenarios, there's no energy left for us to heal much less to grow?

So, today we have to choose whether to hold on to the past and survive or let it go and reach for more.

What will you reach for?

Philippians 4:6-7 – Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

1 Peter 5:7 – Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you

Expecting the Unexpected

This was in my Bible Study this morning and I just love it!

Expecting the Unexpected

Managing your expectations is another important part of the process. You certainly should expect to see results, but they won’t usually look the way you imagined.

C. S. Lewis, in his book Letters to Malcolm, shares these thoughts about our expectations:
It seems to me that we often, almost sulkily, reject the good that God offers us because, at that moment, we expected some other good. Do you know what I mean? On every level of our life—in our religious experience, in our gastronomic, erotic, aesthetic, and social experience—we are always harking back to some occasion which seemed to us to reach perfection, setting that up as a norm, and depreciating all other occasions by comparison. But these other occasions, I now suspect, are often full of their own new blessing, if only we would lay ourselves open to it. God shows us a new facet of the glory, and we refuse to look at it because we’re still looking for the old one.

Be careful how you measure success. You can’t measure your success by someone else’s reaction. If making someone happy is your idea of a goal, you need to change that. If wanting your daughter to be glad to stay in bed is your mission, that will be difficult. You can’t control other people’s feelings or dreams. You can, however, have your own joy about the situation and not let yourself get discouraged. Others will see that, and even if they don’t show it, they will want that same joy. They may think they can have joy only if they get what they want, but you know that’s not true for them any more than it’s true for you. Joy is not a result of circumstances; it is a result of having a relationship with the Holy Spirit and living a life of sacrifice and glory.

So don’t make it your goal to have a happy child or happy husband. In the case of your husband, make it your goal to bless him and honor him. Show him the joy you have because you are married to him, and let that minister to him. How he responds is up to him, and you can’t control that. (I know I wouldn’t want someone else to try to control me like that!)

"Mama Needs a Do-Over" Lisa Pennington

"Look here, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we are going to a certain town and will stay there a year. We will do business there and make a profit.” How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone. What you ought to say is, “If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that.” James 4:13‭-‬15

It's hard to hit all the points in here but here's some of what I love.
1.)Our expectations can suck a lot of joy out of us.
2.)We cannot hinge our happiness on how someone else's behavior affects us. Nor should we spend our efforts trying to change them. You are responsible for you. Start there.
3.)We can't change what makes us happy based on what other people think.
4.) We have a responsibility to be respectful to others but that does not mean we give up on the things that matter to us.
5.)You can get stuck in a rut of bending over backwards to make others happy. In the end you will not please them and in the process you will lose yourself.
What joy are you missing because of expectations?

How we Walk with the Broken

I love this! And I'm gonna cling to it because here's what happened...

My kids had to go for shots this week. Here's the words of wisdom I have for you. Don't assume your child who is able to self care has been self caring without direct orders. We get in the office and I've already accepted that the 5yo has done her own hair. She was very proud of her ponytail and 3 non matching barrettes. Great! Now I notice this other kid needs a shower. I am seriously eyeing the sink and soap available and wondering if I can wash her hair before the doctor comes in. And the thing about how she can't hear that I've been blowing off as go blow your nose it's just allergies, nope that's a Shrek sized piece of ear wax. That on top of telling them we homeschool, and don't always brush twice a day, and drink too many cokes. (Thank God at least no one brought up that the only reason we're such good milk drinkers is because it's all CHOCOLATE!!!) Gee whiz friends! Can someone make me a chart!! You'd think after the 1,000 kids I've had, I'd have it all together. Nope! They take the wee one out for a hearing test which I'm sure is code for asking her questions to see if she is safe in my care and I watched over my shoulder all the way to the car and drove out of there like I stole something. Okay not quite but I felt like such a failure. I wanted to hire a new mom for these humans.

So I'm just gonna call these doctory people the great and my tiny humans the broken. I may not remember to remind them all of the things. I may not feed them chicken and water for every meal but dangit I love them a lot! We rushed out of the house hours before shots because we always go pick out a toy after shots and we weren't going to have time after so we had to go before. This literally started with Ashley's first baby shots because she cried and I thought somehow she in all of her 2 months of wisdom would understand that it wasn't me and I loved her and all the world would be right again if I bought her a toy.

Anyways, I miss stuff that probably makes people (including myself) question my parenting abilities but I walk with the tiny humans every single day and love them in the best way I know how and that counts for something!

If this made you 🤦, congratulations, you're a better mama than me. If this made you 😂 because you've been there too, hey jump in my boat and we will just row, row, row together and between all of us, surely one of us will notice if a tiny human goes overboard!

Be You

Let's go back to the wedding and all of the roles that were filled.

There was someone gifted with the ability to do flowers and then also people gifted with helping.

Someone gifted with photography but also a second shooter, a videographer and lots of candid shots from guests.

There were members of the wedding party but also people to help do their hair and makeup, make the dresses, tell them where to go and when and how to stand.

There was someone in charge of food and cake but many helpers to prepare and serve it.

Do you ever wish you were like someone else? Do wish you looked like them? Were outgoing like them? Talented like them?

If you were like them, who would fill your shoes?

"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." Genesis 1:27

You were created exactly as you are on purpose for a purpose! Your looks, your gifts, your personality, the family you were born to, none of that is a mistake!

God is way too big to be replicated into one single human other than Jesus himself so we each carry an attribute that helps us be His hands and feet here on Earth.

For every thing you wish you could change, there is someone wishing they could be like you. Don't sell yourself short. What are your strong suits and more importantly, how will you use them for God?

Church Family

Why should you go to church? Let's start here.

"Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near."
Hebrews 10:24‭-‬25 NLT

"For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.”
Matthew 18:20 NLT

For a long time I thought you went to church to learn about God and grow closer to Him. I can't find that in the Bible. I feel like that's our personal work to do at home but feel free to correct me. Here's what I gather from these scriptures and what I've experienced from my church family.

I would estimate our regular Sunday morning attendance at 40-50 people. Though we have several that don't attend every Sunday that are 100% part of the family. We will say they are our out of state family. 😉

This past weekend we had a wedding in our church family. Y'all this was one of the most beautiful weddings I've ever seen. I don't know everything that went on but here's what I know.

One wonderful couple gave the use of their beautiful home and grounds as a venue.

Another beautiful family made ALL of the bridesmaids dresses, put together every floral centerpiece, bouquet, boutineer, and dressed the "naked" cake that I had the pleasure of making.

Others lent time to help with flowers, to deliver tables, chairs, props. Some cut and served cake, poured drinks and made coffee. A whole team set up, tore down and cleaned. Two especially handsome guys cooked and served the food. There was a sweet boy taking videos. Another family threw such a sweet shower in their home. More lent supplies, tools and decor, organized and ran the service.

The sweet wedding planner was a breastfeeding mama, you guys! And she killed it!

Some simply attended as a sign of love and support for these newlyweds or stood up with them as a sign they are invested in helping their marriage thrive.

Do you remember how many people I said our church had?

It takes a village to raise a child and y'all maybe even a bigger village to marry one off! I know some money was spent but to my knowledge none of these people received money for their help. My church knows how to serve!! And I didn't hear any complaining, only joy and excitement and maybe occasional slight panic but that's par for the course.

This weekend this group of people who I truly consider family, thought of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And we came together and each one held up another just like roots hold up a tree.

This could have never been done by one person. And we were never meant to do life alone! You should go to church to be encouraged and lifted up not only in the trials but also in the most joyful times. You should go to church so your faith can grow through this encouragement. You should go to church so your family can call out the lies the devil tries to feed you and encourage you in the truth.

There are some churches that don't act like this and there are some people that have been hurt by them. Can I get a 🙋!?

But if this sounds like your definition of why you should go to church, if you are ready to both serve and receive, I invite you to my church. We are a broken, messed up, goofy bunch but we live and serve well together and it is the most beautiful picture of Jesus you'll ever see! ❤️


Between the ages of 3 and 10 I was raised by a single dad. He was my favorite. 😊 He took me to McDonald's for an Egg McMuffin and a Coke every morning on the way to school in his Datsun pickup and then headed off to a day of hard labor as a very talented perfectionist carpenter.

I think we ate either cereal, spaghetti or Pizza D'action in our Stiff Station  house in Little Rock, that over the years he went from renting to owning and transformed from a house with an apartment to a nice family home with a shop and office for the construction company he eventually started because he didn't want to work for people anymore that would settle for subpar workmanship. He always told me I was his bestest girlfriend even though as a handsome man he had no shortage.

The impact those years had on me is tremendous. A telemarketer called once and asked for the lady of the house. I went to tell my dad and he said I was the lady of the house 🤷 so I went back and took the call. There may or may not have been a C.O.D. order that arrived a few weeks later. But that stuck with me and I learned to be a servant.

As the woman of the house, I loved to pack my dad's lunches, give him back rubs, and cook for him. (You might ask him about the time I made him a tuna sandwich that was the best he ever had... Until he realized the cat food was missing 🤪)

And today I still LOVE to serve. My Mema once told me that I was always happiest when I had a project going. Such a small comment such a LARGE revelation. I have come to realize that my passion really burns when I'm busy with a project but especially if it also serves others. Some of my happiest times have been running fundraisers, making costumes (even though sewing is not my favorite), planning parties, running errands, and making food. ( I LOVE FOR PEOPLE TO EAT MY FOOD!!! That comes from all the weekends and summers with my Mema's learning the good old way!)

That's all hard work! And people pay good money for all of those things! But I really enjoy doing these things as a service. It allows them to be more of a hobby and less of a stress. The joy and personal fulfillment I get from serving is worth so much more than money! My Mema always said I wouldn't do this for money just for love. Yes!

 Everyone has dreams and many of them revolve around dollars but mine is to love on people well through service. It just lights my heart on fire! And this week I get to make a 5 tier wedding cake for the sweetest girl and I'm on top of the world (and terrified because I want it to be perfect for her! 😬).

What lights your heart on fire? Maybe you want to own a jet or maybe you want to wash people's feet. Maybe both!! It's all good! Go do it!!!

P.S. Thanks Dad🤗


Stubbornness. Good or bad? Depends on what you do with it. Here's what it means to me.

It means I can make a wedding cake because once when I asked someone to make one for me they told me no. No you say? I didn't need your help anyways.

It means I'm a strong mama because mine wasn't. I didn't want to be that for my kids. Do the hard things!

It means I have celebrated 23 YEARS of marriage when everyone said we'd never make it.

It means I broke the mold I came out of because I wanted my kids to have the stability that I didn't!

And it means that I can have JOY after experiencing the biggest no of my life the day I lost my baby boy.

Think I can't? Tell me no and give me some time!

What do you do with your stubbornness? Do you rebel and do stupid things or grow strong and prove everyone wrong? You're better than that. Go do good things! ❤️

You Have to Live

5. Mahoney: "You have to live."
Mr. Magorium: "Darlin'...I have."
Suzanne Weyn, Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium
At the end of my life I hope to say "Darlin' I have."
The older I get, the more I realize I better start packing in the good times! I am beginning to think this is what gets mistaken as a midlife crisis. The only crisis is that I've spent life this far being practical and scared and safe and taking care of business and at some point you just decide you want more out of life!
I wanna be like the old men in Secondhand Lions that die crashing their plane into the roof. Those guys lived! I want to be like Mother Teresa and love and serve well. I want to be like David and run after the heart of God. But mostly I want to be the very best version of Sara Freitag that I can be and leave nothing on the table!
”Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes." James 4:14

Your mind is a Powerful Thing

Your mind is a powerful thing! Just as easily as you can think all the negative things you do in a day, you have the power to replace every ...